Introduction to Classical Education

Classical education forms virtuous, thoughtful, and well rounded individuals who are equipped and courageous to lead a Christ centred life.

Introduction to Classical Education

Classical education is an influential, traditional, and enduring form of education, originating with the Greeks and Romans over 2000 years ago. Over the centuries it has produced the greatest thinkers, writers, philosophers, mathematicians, scientists and theologians the world has ever seen. This form of education is now being renewed in the 21st century.

The Core of Classical Education

This approach employs the seven liberal arts and great books to cultivate wisdom, virtue, and eloquence in students. The seven liberal arts consist of the trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) and the quadrivium (astronomy, arithmetic, music, and geometry).

Historical Context and Resurgence

During the 20th century, classical education was overshadowed by modern progressive education but is experiencing a resurgence, particularly in the United States. Over 500 classical schools operate in the US, with students performing in the top 10-15% on the SATs and being highly sought after by prestigious universities. Although fewer in number, classical schools are increasing in Australia.

Our Classical Approach

At St. John of Kronstadt Academy, we utilise a classical approach to education. We view children as made of mind, body, and soul and created in the image and likeness of God. Our teaching aims to shape the child's whole character and
being, not just to impart
temporary knowledge.

Curriculum &
the Great Books

Our curriculum includes the trivium and quadrivium, complemented by the study of great books. Younger students read Aesop's fables, Hans Christian Andersen, and Grimm's fairy tales. Senior students delve into works like Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey", Plato's "Republic", Augustine's "Confessions", and writings by Dostoevsky, C.S. Lewis, and Tolkien. These texts expose students to profound conversations about humanity and virtue.

Orthodox Faith & Academic Excellence

We prioritise the Orthodox faith over everything else without compromising our commitment to academic excellence. The Academy offers a challenging curriculum that meets the outcomes of the Australian curriculum and includes additional studies in Latin, Greek, phonics, history, great books, art, music and the Orthodox
Christian faith.

Boys & Girls,
The World Needs

The culmination of this educational journey is the development of young adults with deep Christian character and virtue, capable of thinking, reasoning, and expressing themselves well in an
ever-changing society.


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